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World Market wood campaign desk in great condition with minimal wear Has one drawer and two extenders (one on each side) Product specs from World Market website pasted below (Retail $299) Specifications Crafted of acacia wood with natural finish 1 drawer 2 pullout trays Dust with a dry, lintfree cloth;World Market 243 Locations in the United States Shop any of our 243 store locations for unique and authentic furniture, decor, international food and more from all over the world at amazing everyday low prices!Computer Desks Having a computer desk that works well can facilitate a smooth workflow With so many people earning their living using a computer and so many options available on the market, it is important to know how to choose one that is most appropriate for you

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 Sani Monastery is not a very famous gompa or monastery but is mentioned as the oldest one in Ladakh and Zanskar region, built during reign of Kushan king Kanishka, around 2nd century BC, when Budhhism was still developing in Himalayan or Tibetan regionThe village of Sani is situated as a distance of approximately 6 km to the west of the Padum valley, on the road to Kargil The major tourist attraction of Sani in Ladakh is its monastery The castle like monastery is built on level ground, unlike any other monastery of this areaThe Sani Gompa is situated on the level ground which makes it rather unique To Zanskarit is probably the oldest places of Buddhist worship in the region indeed, an Odd shaped Chorten called Kanikha Chorten associated with the great central Asian King Kanishka (2nd century Ad) Zangla 35 km from Padum

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Sani gompa

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